I was introduced to the Neocatechumenal Way (The Way) at the end of 2019. I took a number of catecheses there and in early 2020 we concluded them with a convivium. That is a kind of retreat. After convivence ended, Holland went into lockdown. We continued through Zoom, but during the crisis the community fell apart. Now several years later now that everything is possible to do business again I am following the same series of catecheses again. It is a kind of repetition, yet there are aspects that are very current such as the war in Ukraine. I stayed connected to the Way during the pandemic and it also helped me through it. Even though I could not participate in everything, it has given me a lot of hope, joy and friendship. I cannot imagine life without it.

It rained heavily last night. Early this morning it was dry and I took the pictures at the Birgitinessen Sisters in Weert where we are staying this weekend. It is Saturday, so yes, even the grass has to be cut.

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