Yesterday I asked God a question. Today I received an answer. Some people say, "This God of yours says nothing."

Theoretically this is true. When I ask God something out loud, no voice comes from heaven. When I pray, I don't hear a voice in my head either. If that were so, perhaps I should consider an apartment in a mental institution. Practice teaches me that God does answer. For example, through the words of a friend, or your confessor.

Sometimes I marvel at certain events. I sometimes have to think of strange things at strange times. In retrospect, I can recognize the voice of God in them, because sometimes these events are very timely. Just when I need it.

In these moments when God speaks and sometimes answers very clearly, I am grateful for His good gifts. Even if it is not my will at the moment, God knows what is good for me.

So beware of cursing. If you ask God to damn you at the moment when you are troubled and frustrated, you can expect more trouble. Not that it comes from God, not that. God wants the best for us. So if we give God a place in our lives, then even severe adversities are tolerable.

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